The BQE 2053 Exhibit brought together design proposals from the 2020 and 2022 Fall Fellowships that explore a radical re-imagining of the entire Brooklyn-Queens Expressway corridor. The proposals include pragmatic solutions like diverting truck traffic to rail and maritime routes, as well as visionary proposals such as reforesting the entire length of the highway. The exhibit also featured animations by Adam Paul Susaneck (Segregation by Design) showing the destruction of urban fabric along the BQE, aerial footage of the Gowanus and Prospect Expressways by Ines Leong, and excerpts from IPA Fellowship panel discussions.
The BQE 2053 Exhibit was part of the BQE 2053 Symposium.
The BQE 2053 Exhibit was part of the BQE 2053 Symposium.
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