2024 Spring  Residency Exhibition

May 11, 2024 -
May 26, 2024
@ The Block House

The 2024 Spring Exhibition was the culmination of work produced by three 2024 Spring Fellows, who lived and worked at the Block House for eleven weeks from March 1st to May 31st, 2024. Fellows were selected by an Independent Selection Committee and represent a range of disciplines including art, architecture and landscape architecture. Fellows presented their work to the public over the course of the Residency at Open [Block] House events and received project support through access to subject matter experts and resources relevant to their project.

In addition, the IPA exhibited student work produced at Avenues: The World School in January 2024 during a three-week course titled Designing the Concrete Jungle. Students designed proposals for Governors Island that promote community well-being, sustainability, and respond to climate-related challenges.


Material Reconstructions
︎︎︎ Project

Genius Loci & Imaginative Storytelling
︎︎︎ Project


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2024 Spring Residency
︎︎︎ Residency

2024 Spring Open [Block] House Series
︎︎︎ Event

2023 Summer Residency Exhibition
︎︎︎ Exhibit

Institute for Public Architecture

45 E 20th Street Suite 500
New York, NY 10003

9 Nolan Park
Governors Island, NY