2024 Spring Open [Block] House Series

2024 Spring Residency

March 16, April 13 & May 11, 2024
@ The Block House

Fellows shared the progress of their work at three Open [Block] House events during the 2024 Spring Residency. Each Fellow displayed drawings, diagrams, artifacts, prototypes, images, and text relating to their projects. Visitors were welcome to stroll through the House and explore the work. Fellows presented their work to invited subject matter experts and members of the public.


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2024 Spring Residency
︎︎︎ Residency

2024 Spring Exhibition
︎︎︎ Exhibit

2024 Spring Dinner Party Series
︎︎︎ Event

Institute for Public Architecture

45 E 20th Street Suite 500
New York, NY 10003

9 Nolan Park
Governors Island, NY