BQE: Why Can’t We?

2022 Fall Fellowship
Panel Discussion

November 10, 2022
@ The Block House

︎︎︎ BQE2053

The second of three panels held during the 2022 Fall Fellowship reviewed case studies of highways that have been, or will be, removed, decked-over, or transformed into community friendly boulevards. Guest speakers included Susannah C. Drake FAIA FASLA (Principal Sasaki, Founder DLAND Studio Architecture + Landscape Architecture on her BQGreen proposal), Phillip Baldwin (Assistant Professor, Media Arts, Stony Brook University on the Cheonggyecheon Highway Removal project in Seoul) and Erik Frisch (Deputy Commissioner, City of Rochester, Dept. of Neighborhood & Business Development, on the I-490 Inner Loop East/North Removal) with moderators Katie Swenson (Senior Principal, MASS Design Group) and Marc Norman (Larry & Klara Silverstein Chair and Associate Dean, NYU Schack Institute of Real Estate).



2022 Fall Fellowship
︎︎︎ Residency

BQE: Past, Present & Future
︎︎︎ Event

BQE: Community Mosaic
︎︎︎ Event

Institute for Public Architecture

900 Broadway #802
New York, NY 10003

9 Nolan Park
Governors Island, NY