Alejandro Saldarriaga Rubio
2024 Summer Residency

This project showcases the design process of an outdoor shading structure created for the BILLION OYSTER PROJECT (BOP). Recently relocated within Governors Island due to the development of the NYC Climate Exchange, the organization has been carrying out its volunteering services in the southern part of the island without any shaded infrastructure. As their volunteering season spans from March to September, the need for a shaded/cooling space within their operations is essential to guarantee the well-being of their volunteers.
Understanding the philosophy of the BOP, the architecture design process seeks to generate an architectural language and space through the found objects the organization uses in the restoration of oyster reefs (oyster shells, gabions, reef balls, and baby blue rope).
Moreover, as the current base of operations of the BOP is temporarily located in the southern development zone of the island, the proposed architecture will be transient so the organization can relocate it to a potential new location. As such, this exhibit showcases an initial zoning/activity plan and a collection of “dry” assemblages through found objects to start defining an outdoor workshop for the BOP.
Understanding the philosophy of the BOP, the architecture design process seeks to generate an architectural language and space through the found objects the organization uses in the restoration of oyster reefs (oyster shells, gabions, reef balls, and baby blue rope).
Moreover, as the current base of operations of the BOP is temporarily located in the southern development zone of the island, the proposed architecture will be transient so the organization can relocate it to a potential new location. As such, this exhibit showcases an initial zoning/activity plan and a collection of “dry” assemblages through found objects to start defining an outdoor workshop for the BOP.